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Blast Mine

Blast_Mine.png Blast Mine Skill Info
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5 (Selectable)
SP Cost: 10
Cast Time: None
Cast Delay: ASPD Based
Duration: (30 - (Skill level*5))
Target: Ground
Range: Melee
Area: 3x3
Element: Wind
Catalyst: 1 Trap
(Hunter) Freezing Trap Lv. 1, Land Mine Lv. 1, Sandman Lv. 1


Blast Mine is a trap that will cause Wind property damage its surrounding 3x3 cell area. Once the trap is set, the caster can move the trap by attacking before it activates and explodes.

Level 1 2 3 4 5
Trap Duration (sec.) 25 20 15 10 5


  • Damage Formula: Skill_lvl * (DEX / 2) * (3 + Base_lvl / 100) * (1 + INT / 40)

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- This trap ignores DEF

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- Each monster in the area will receive the full damage