Einbroch Murder Quest
Requirements | |
Base Level: | None |
Quest Prerequisite(s): | [Factory Quest](Factory_Quest.md) |
Rewards | |
Base Experience: |
Job Experience: |
- Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location.
1. Go to
When you step off the train there is a Young Man
who talks about depressed guy in pub. Go talk to Buender Hikeman behind the tavern
.He will mistake you for a killer. Talk to him again, and ask him how he escaped. He'll rant and pass out.
2. Now head to Einbroch. At the second floor of the Hotel , in the south eastern room there is a Sick Old Man - Shinokas in bed. Ask him if he always lived in Einbroch and you'll find out he is hiding something. Keep badgering him about the mine collapse and eventually you'll get the option to ask about Hikeman. He will slip up and reveal he really was part of that incident.
Talk to him again and he asks you to search the Kappelthaine Manor
for more information about the ore. Talk to the maid there and she denies any ore.- Note: To talk to NPCs in the Kappelthaine Manor, immediately move into the south room upon entering. The father will kick you out of the house if you go near him, so you have to talk to the three NPCs in the room (two are for another quest) through the walls.
3. Return to Shinokas and he'll ask you to search the factory next. Talk to Zelmeto in the factory
, who won't give you the slightest suspicion, and return to Shinokas. He gives you the option of where you think it may be hidden.- Note: You must have completed the Factory Quest in order to continue.
4. If you pick Laboratory
, you have to 'sneak in'. The door at the laboratory will now request a password...you have to type in the nonsense that it tells you. OR you can just copy/paste the correct combination in. Following is the full list of pairings(one is used twice):
- burrdingdingdilidingdingphoohudaambandoorabambarambambamburanbamding
- burapaphurarlandreamduranbatuhiwooikabamturubamdingding
- belief love luck grimace sweat rush folktale rodimus optimus bumblebee
- You give me no choice. I guess it's time for me to reveal my secret...
- fReeDoM eCstAcy JoUrnaLiSm ArMpIt DisCoverY hEaDaChE MoonbeAmS jUsTiCE
- Coboman no chikara-yumei na chikara-daiookii na chikara da ze! COBO ON
- hfjdkeldjsieldjshfjdjeiskdlefvbd
- I'm the King of All Weirdos! Now you know of my true power. Obey\~!
- 0uNflAPPaBLe LoVaBLe SeCreTs AnD BoWLiNg aGaINST tHe KarMA of YoUtH
- By the power of h-ha-har-haru-harun-haruna [GM] Haru. I NEVER LOSE!
- uNflAPPaBLe LoVaBLe SeCreTs AnD BoWLiNg aGaINST tHe KarMA of YoUtH
- ...silence. quiet benevolence... soul mate... wonder. enigma... cloud.
- opeN,Open!op3n.openOpen0p3nOpEn0pen`open'0Pen open?open!111OPENSESAME
5. Talk to the scientist inside, and he will tell you the head of the lab is on the airship flirting with some lady. While here, click on the small "Unknown Stuff" in the middle of the room at the center of the machine.
6. Take the airship and go downstairs . The scientist (Drunken Old Man) is throwing dice and losing badly. Talk to the Apple Merchant , buy 100 apples, then talk to the scientist. He'll use them to gamble another round and lose even more. The key here is his swearing his luck on Ymir's Heart. Keep giving him apples and eventually he will win, and tell you about Ymir's Heart.
- Note: If, for some reason, you're taking the Airship anywhere else than from Einbroch, it is the Domestic Airship.
7. Return to Shinokas, only to realize that you arrived too late: he had been found and assaulted by his pursuers. Talk to him and, when he asks what that ore was, type in Ymir's Heart, and he'll die soon after.
8. Go back to Einbech and inform Hikeman of Shinokas's death, who will realize his emptiness as the one person he'd wanted to find, the one sentiment that had disarrayed his senses into a senile geezer, is no longer alive.
- Experience amounts received: