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Excruciating Palm

Unverified content

This page has been marked as being in need to be verified and/or updated to match the Arcadia Online mechanics.

Excruciating_Palm.png Excruciating Palm Skill Info
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 20
HP Cost: 10
Cast Time: None
Cast Delay: 2 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Knock Back: 5
Area: 3x3
Status: Stun
(Monk) Spiritual Bestowment Lv. 1 and a Quest


Hits an opponent with a focused blast of energy, which stuns nearby foes and causes them to be knocked back. The target of this attack takes 300% damage. Any enemies adjacent to the target get knocked back 5 cells and have a 70% chance to stun for 2 seconds. The target itself does not get knocked back or stunned. This skill is usable in PvP and WoE, but targets will not be knocked back on maps which knock back is not permitted.


The skill takes into account the player's ATK derrived from STR and the weapon's attack, upgrades etc., but will not take into account the effects of cards that increase damage by a percentile (i.e., Hydra card). The elemental attribute of your weapon is taken into account. The skill's delay is actually unknown, but it is in fact much shorter than 2 seconds. It is believed the delay might be related to ASPD, and in practice has a delay no longer than say, Slinging Arrow.