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Guest Account


Guest Accounts are the only way to share a Game Account with someone else.

You are prohibited to share your Master Account with anybody.

How to set up a Guest Account

How to set up a Guest Account

In order to create a Guest Account, you will need to do following:

  1. Go to our Control Panel and log into your Master Account.
  2. Select My Account in menu on the left side.
  3. Select one of your Game Accounts.
  4. Under the Guest Access tab, select Enable and pick the parameters.
  5. You are able to restrict certains options for your character.

    • [ ] Allow character rename.
    • [ ] Allow character deletion.
    • [ ] Allow guild creation, destruction, join or leave.
    • [ ] Allow skill and status point allocation.
    • [ ] Allow access to the Storage.
    • [ ] Allow access to the Guild Storage.
    • [ ] Allow equipment trade
    • [ ] Allow guild invite and expulsion

Additional Info

Additional Info

  • Guest Accounts only last for a time period of maximum 3 months, it doesn't matter if you set a further date.
  • Items aren't protected; take this into consideration when trusting other people.
  • Players using a Guest Account are still logged in via their own Master Account. Therefore, if you log in a Guest Character alongside your own, it considers both characters to be under the same Master Account, and you will not get an EXP bonus if dual-clienting.