Gunslinger Job Change Guide

Base Level: None
Job Level: 10
Class: Novice
10 935.png Shell
3 914.png Fluff
1 1019.png Trunk
3 912.png Zargon
3 511.png Green Herb
3 1013.png Rainbow Shell
1 519.png Milk
Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Gunslinger,
1 13100.png Six Shooter [1]
1 13150.png Branch [3]


click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location.

1. After reaching Job Level 10 as a Novice and allocating all your skill points, go to the Gunslinger's guild at at the left side of the Einbroch Tower (einbroch 134, 199).

Location of the Gunslinger Guild

Gunslinger JC EinbrochEntrance.png

2. Talk to the Guild Master and he will have you fill out an application.

Gunslinger JC MasterMiller.png

3. You will then be sent to Payon to talk to Wise Bull Horn (payon 184, 65) (in the 5 o'clock direction outside the city wall).

Location of Wise Bull Horn

Gunslinger JC WiseBullHorn.png

4. Wise Bull Horn will ask you to collect the following items:

5. When you return he will also ask for 1 Milk

6. Afterwards, return to talk to the Guild Master in Einbroch and he will change you into a Gunslinger. You will receive either 13100.png Six Shooter [1] or 13150.png Branch [3]