Hat Dyer
Custom content
This quest/feature is only available or customized on Arcadia Online.
Players on other servers should note that some of the following information may not be applicable to their server.
The Hat Dyer NPC allows players to change the color palette of certain hats and headgear items in Arcadia Online.
The player may choose to dye a specific headgear by talking to the Hat Dyer NPC with the item and the correct dyestuffs in the player's inventory as asked for by the NPC. Dying the headgear is not permanent and the item can be reverted back to the original color by speaking with the Hat Dyer NPC and having the item and appropriate dyestuffs in the player's inventory.
- In order to dye a hat, you need the original hat and its appropriate dyestuff.
- The item will keep its refinement and card.
- Costume headgears cannot have their color changed by the Hat Dyer NPC
- As with Costume Exchange Tickets, you may be able to receive Hat Dye Tickets at events held by GMs.
Hat Dyeing
The Hat Dyer is located in the immediate vicinity of the Costume Headgear NPC in Geffen .
Hat List
The following boxes list each item's variants and their required Dyestuffs for exchange.
Beanie variants
Deviruchi Hat variants
Drooping Cat variants
Mage Hat variants
Ribbon [1] variants
Ribbon [1] - 1
Cobaltblue Dyestuffs & 1
Violet Dyestuffs
Pink Ribbon [1] - 1
White Dyestuffs & 1
Scarlet Dyestuffs
Yellow Ribbon [1] - 2
Lemon Dyestuffs
Red Ribbon [1] - 2
Scarlet Dyestuffs
Black Ribbon [1] - 2
Black Dyestuffs
Green Ribbon [1] - 2
Darkgreen Dyestuffs
Orange Ribbon [1] - 2
Orange Dyestuffs
White Ribbon [1] - 2
White Dyestuffs