Leveling Spots
Beginner Build
Level 1 ~ 12
- Map: Training Grounds
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill:
- Every monster
Follow the Training Ground accordingly. Do the quests for additional consumables, you will get both items by doing these quests and experience due to killing the monsters needed. It is recommended to save the Novice Potions for the first levels of the next job.
STR Super Novice
Level 10 ~ 30
- Map: Payon Cave F1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Familiar, Skeleton, Zombie
Start off carefully picking off Familiars and Skeletons, and then taking on Zombies. Make plenty of use of your Novice Potions. If you're going for the no-death bonus, Pupa Card and Thief Bug Egg Card are strongly recommended due to Novices' extremely low base HP.
General STR Build
Level 10 ~ 30
- Map: Sograt Desert
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Muka
Kill Mukas, making use of your Novice Potions from the Training Grounds for healing. You can sell the Cactus Needles to players for early zeny.
Level 30 ~ 50
- Map: Payon Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wolf
Wolves give very good experience and drop Meat and Monster's Feed as healing items, as well as Strawberry for SP or for selling to players for zeny. If you have access to gear like Pupa Card, you can come here as soon as you jobchange. If you're patient you could stay here until job 50.
Level 40 ~ 65
- Map: Einbroch Field 04 - Einbroch Field 07
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Geographer
With a spear-type weapon (preferably a fire one), you can attack Geographers from a safe distance. Just make sure to stand 3 tiles away in a cross axis before you start attacking or your character may move in closer and get attacked.
Having /smartprocessing
enabled, which is the default, will ensure that the client doesn't move you closer than your attack range.
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Porcellio
Porcellios give very good experience. They drop Main Gauche[4] and also the card is very useful for multiple classes, and thus sells well. You can do this solo killing them with Bash (you need a bit of DEX to not miss), and optionally you can get a support Acolyte/Priest to help you out.
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Metaling
If you don't have a fire weapon or access to a Fire Endow, Metalings are a lot easier than Porcellios but they don't drop anything valuable.
Level 44 ~ 65
- Map: Geffen Field (Orc Village)
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Orc Lady, Orc Warrior, Orc Baby
If you've managed to save enough zeny for a Guillotine from killing Wolves, Orc Ladies let you level quickly as you gain 2 SP from normal attacks and 20 SP from killing them, allowing you to spam Bash on them. Use Fire Endow if possible. Switch between Level 5 Bash and Level 10 Bash instead of just Level 10 if it helps you to conserve SP for the same number of hits.
INT Build (For Grand Cross Crusader and such)
Level 10 ~ 35
- Map: Payon Forest 7 or Morocc Field 03
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Elder Willow
Using a Belt[1], which can be bought at most Armor Dealers for 20,000 z, you can put a Poison Spore Card into it and become able to use Level 3 Envenom when equipped. Since Envenom has a guaranted +45 ATK which cannot miss, even with no DEX and no STR one can level quite fast, especially with a decent SP pool.
Note that the damage taken is not to be underestimated and thus Healing Items such as Novice Potions are needed, as well as SP items such as Strawberries.
Both Poison Spore Card and Wolf Card have no use for mid to late game and thus are quite affordable and useful for low level characters.
Dead Branches are one of them Items dropped by Elder Willow and can be sold for a decent amount of Zeny to players.
It's worth to check
@whobuys 604
for people buying them.
Level 40 ~ 65
- Map: Einbroch Field 04 - Einbroch Field 07
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Geographer
Using a Firebrand you can cast level 3 Fire Bolt which you can use to kill Geographers.
STR VIT DEX Bowling Bash
Earth Deleter Card is recommended. If you only need one Level 10 Bowling Bash to kill 3 Monsters you will gain 30 SP, offsetting the 22 SP spent. Making you able to farm and level till 90% Overweight without issues.
Level 60 ~ 80
- Map: Sograt Desert
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Desert Wolf, Scorpion, Metaller (optional)
Desert Wolves and Scorpions are a cheap and decent start for a BB build, and you can get decent Zeny by overcharging Stilettos. Even after you're too high level for this place, you can keep farming it for Zeny since it's very easy and low effort.
If you are keeping your SP full with an Earth Deleter Card, you can also use Provoke or Spear Boomerang to aggro the Metallers.
Level 70 ~ 90
- Map: Clock Tower B2, West Orc Village
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
High Orcs are great EXP, and they drop both Orc Voucher and Orcish Axe[0]. With 120 STR and 70 DEX (to raise minimum damage), you can one-shot them using a Guillotine, Auto Berserk & Bowling Bash.
This means you no longer have to mob them or worry about SP management. Pierce with a High Orc Pike[4] (3x Orc Lady Card + Hydra Card/Vadon Card or 2x Orc Lady Card + Hydra Card + Vadon Card) and Earth Deleter Card lets you one-shot with enough STR or using Auto Berserk without having to worry about running out of SP.
- Map: Inside Pyramid 4
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Isis, Ancient Mummy
This floor offers good EXP and good cards as well, such as Mimic & Matyr Cards. Keeping a Priest (for Aspersio) near might be a good idea. Beware of Osiris.
- Map: Undersea Tunnel F4 - Undersea Tunnel F5
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Marc, Swordfish, Phen, Merman, Strouf
Byalan Dungeon offers okay exp but very decent loot, between Swordfish, Phen, Marc, Merman, and Strouf Cards, amongst others. Mystic Frozen are nice, and Gill can be used to craft Crystal Arrow very cheaply.
Level 80 ~ 90
- Map: Inside Ancient Shrine
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Tamruan
This dungeon is really good EXP & loot wise. The Ancient Shrine has 100 Tamruans on the map, that can be easily mobbed and farmed. Beware of Krabens (they have high flee), and Lady Tanee.
It would be recommended to wear a Headgear with Marduk Card to avoid Silence from Tamruans.
It is highly recommended also to keep a Support Priest (for Aspersio) in the map alongside a Merchant Class for carrying the loot.
It is recommended to use either a Blade[4] or Pike[4] with 4 Santa Poring Cards to get maximum damage on them.
This is the only dungeon where you can get the item Tassel, which are required to craft Renown Detective's Cap[1].
Pierce Knight
Earth Deleter Card is recommended.
Level 70 ~ 90
- Map: Pyramid B1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Minorous
Minorous are decent exp and the card is quite useful, especially for Pierce Knights. Ideally you want to twoshot them.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Inside Ancient Shrine
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Tamruan
Tamruans offer excellent Base EXP and can be killed in two shots using either a 3x Santa Poring Card & 1x Diabolic Pike or for more precise players out there: a 2x Santa Poring Card, 1x Minorous / Strouf and 1x Diabolic Pike.
The Diabolic Pike combined with an Earth Deleter means you will never run out of SP when using Pierce to twoshot them.
It would be recommended to wear a Headgear with Marduk Card to avoid Silence from Tamruans.
Grand Cross
Level 52 ~ 70
- Map: Orc Dungeon Floor 1 - Orc Dungeon Floor 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Good start to practice Grand Cross on aggressive monsters like Orc Skeleton and Orc Zombie. Zenorc's Fangs are highly valuable among Alchemists.
Level 65 ~ 90
- Map: Glast Heim Chivalry F2
- Composition: Party with a Priest
- Mobs to kill: Everything
If you can't handle Bloody Knight, teleport away.
Level 75 ~ 99
- Map: Glast Heim Castle Floor 2
- Composition: Party with a Priest
- Mobs to kill: Everything
This is a slightly tricky map but when done right can yield excellent EXP and can contribute handsomely to your zeny. The variety of mob sizes and elements here means there isn't just one shield that would do the trick.
As a Crusader, you want to lead the Party with your Priest following you closely behind. Mob a few monsters at a time and Grand Cross.
The Chimera that you encounter here has the ability to break your shield, so be vary of that.
General Magician Road
Level 10 ~ 20
- Map: Prontera Field 6
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Lunatic, Poring, Thief Bug Egg, Thief Bug
Initially use your Knife[3] or Cutter[3] to get a few points into Fire Bolt by killing Lunatics, Porings and Thief Bug Eggs. Once you get level 3 Fire Bolt, start killing Thief Bugs.
Gradually move towards the northern exit to proceed onto Mandragoras (see below).
Avoid big groups of Thief Bugs, as all nearby will aggro if you fight one of them
Level 20 ~ 35
- Map: Prontera Field 2
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Mandragora
Mandragoras drop Stem that sells very high to players. Mandragora Card is also in great demand. Use Fire Bolt against them. Invest in a high level Fire Bolt to later move on to Floras and Geographers.
- Map: Morocc Field 18
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Muka, Dragon Fly
Mukas have a fantastic EXP to HP ratio while providing decent Zeny by selling Cactus Needles and Empty Bottles to players. If you have a low level Fire Bolt or lack Intelligence, hit and run tactics will work. If you have a high level Fire Wall you can engage Dragon Fly if you are careful.
Disperse its Chonchons first with Fire Wall and then lead it into Vertical Fire Walls while sustaining yourself with Novice Potions. There is a high chance for Clip[1] and potentially a Sweet Gent both you can sell or keep for later. If you lack Fire Wall you should avoid Dragon Fly.
Beware of Hunter Fly and teleport away if you encounter it.
Level 20 ~ 45
- Map: Payon Field 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Fabre, Pupa, Boa, Wolf
Wolves have a great Exp to HP ratio but, at earlier levels you may need to employ hit and run tactics. Snakes will serve as supplementary exp while both Mobs will drop Strawberry which can be sold to players.
You can continue killing Fabres and Pupas for a chance at their rares. Although Wolves will still provide Mantle[1] that may be sold to others or kept for later.
Level 30 ~ 70
- Map: Einbroch Field 03, Einbroch Field 04, Einbroch Field 07
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Flora, Geographer, Metaling
There are three maps with some small differences but all three will have Geographers and Metalings. Metalings provide great supplementary Exp due to their low HP but your main target are Geographers as they are stationary.
Floras will only be found on Einbroch Field 7 and will provide supplementary Exp while dropping Stem and a chance of their card. Einbroch Field 7 has the lowest Geographer density of the 3 maps and thus is less suitable for higher level Magicians. Einbroch Field 3 and 4 both have good Geographer density but in different ways. Einbroch Field 3 has 5 instant spawn Geographers on a small island but may be harder when all the spawns are clumped or there is competition. While Einbroch Field 4 has the highest spawn but may require more walking.
Avoid Ungoliant. Always be careful of Geographers hidden under bushes or trees.
How to fight Geographers
Fire Bolt will be your bread and butter but you may only want to engage Geographers if you have at least 56 Intelligence to make it worthwhile. Geographers sometimes may prove to be problematic as they can Heal each other.
You should find isolated targets at earlier levels, even a pair of Geographers will out sustain you. If you have Fire Wall you may opt to knock away nearby Geographers out of Healing range or if you have level 10 Frost Diver you can freeze them instead.
- Map: Luoyang Field 1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Anaconda, Bigfoot, Caramel, Mantis, Mi Gao
Mi Gaos offer good Exp and are easy to kill with a combination of Fire Wall and Fire Bolt but, their drops have little to be desired. Due to their slow speed they are a great way to practice Vertical Fire Wall. If you find a mob first round them up with level 1 Fire Bolt, lead them into a Vertical Fire Wall and use Fireball to clear up.
Mantis at earlier levels will require both Fire Wall and a low level Fire Bolt to kill. However, at 75 Intelligence a Vertical Fire Wall will be enough to kill a Mantis while at 80 - 85 Intelligence a normal Fire Wall will usually work. A mob of Mantis should be dispersed with Vertical Fire Wall. Despite being more of a nuisance Mantis Cards have decent value.
In the case of a party you may want to start targeting other Mobs to supplement Exp and a chance for their cards, Pike[4], Coat[1] and Poo Poo Hat.
Level 50 ~ 70
- Map: Inside Glast Heim
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Marionette
If you have Soul Strike and preferably Fire Wall, you can kill Marionettes with 2 Soul Strikes. Marionette's give 6.3k job exp compared to Geographers 10k but you can easily kill 2-3 of them in the time that you would kill 1 Geographer. They drop Marionette Doll [1] and Chain [3] which can be sold to other players for a nice amount of zeny.
You'll need to bring Fly Wings and use Fire Wall to avoid the Wanderer, Ridewords and Dark Frames.
- Map: Mt. Mjolnir - North
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Argiope
If you have Soul Strike, you can easily kill Argiopes with 2-3 of them. They give less job EXP than Marionettes and Geographers but have nice base EXP. You should be able to kill 2-3 of them in the time it would take you to kill 1 Geographer. They drop Boots[1] which can be sold to other players for a nice amount of zeny.
Fire Bolt & Fire Wall work as well but Soul Strike has a much faster cast time.
It would be useful to have a Phen or Bloody Butterfly Clip[1] in quite a bit of the locations listed here.
Storm Gust Build
Level 60 ~ 90
- Map: Skellington, a Solitary Village in Niflheim
- Composition: Recommended Full Party
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Kill all the monsters that the mobbers bring. Remember to follow the rules about mobbing, it's not allowed to mob too long distance nor for a too long time. If you encounter other parties or players, be nice and communicate with them.
Level 70 ~ 90
- Map: Clock Tower B2
- Composition: Recommended Priest
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
Let the Priest mob. Storm Gust once you see him/her appear on screen. You need High DEX for this type of leveling.
- Map: Nogg Road F1
- Composition: Recommended Priest, Bard, Dancer
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Let the tanker Mob. Storm Gust once you see your party members appear on screen.
- Map: Ruande, the North Cave
- Composition: Recommended Full Party
- Mobs to kill: Stalactic Golem
Kill all the monsters that the mobbers bring.
Level 80 ~ 99
- Map: Glast Heim Dungeon 2
- Composition: Recommended Priest, Bard, Dancer
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Majouros has a lot of HP. It is recommended that you have a Bard with A Poem of Bragi and a Dancer with Service for You at max Skill level nearby so you can continuously spam Storm Gust and Lord of Vermillion on the enemies. Use Earth Spike for Gargoyles.
- Map: Magma Dungeon 2
- Composition: Recommended Full Party
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Let the tanker Mob. Storm Gust once you see your party members appear on screen.
Lord of Vermillion Build
Level 60 ~ 90
- Map: Kokomo Beach
- Composition: Recommended Priest, Bard, Dancer
- Mobs to kill: Seal
Simply stand on the stairs as the puller of the group gather the Seals to the party. Bard can use A Poem of Bragi to ease Wizard's casting time. Wizards only need to spam Lord of Vermillion to kill everything.
Check out the other wiki page for more details on Sage Leveling.
Regular Archer Build
Level 12 ~ 25
- Map: Payon Cave F1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Familiar, Skeleton, Zombie
Start killing Zombies. Use Double Strafe when needed. Bring Silver Arrows for this.
- Map: Prontera Field 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Mandragora
Use Fire Arrows, Mandragoras cannot hit you if you are more than 3 cells away. Save the Stems and sell them to players for quick money.
Fire Arrows can be bought at the Sunken Ship Tool Dealer at .
Although it may be more affordable to use Arrow Crafting eventually to create your own.
Level 30 ~ 60
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Porcellio
Porcellios give very good experience. They drop Main Gauche[4] and also the card is very useful for multiple classes, and thus sells well. You can do this solo killing them with Double Strafe (with Fire Arrows) keeping your distance at all times. Optionally you can get a support Acolyte/Priest to help you out.
Level 30 ~ 70
- Map: Luoyang Field 1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Anaconda, Bigfoot, Caramel, Mantis, Mi Gao
Use Fire Arrows. You have to kite Mi Gaos due to their high damage. It is recommended to avoid Mantis until you have enough damage to kill them easily. In party you can make other person hit Mi Gaos first and kite them.
Level 40 ~ 65
- Map: Einbroch Field 04 - Einbroch Field 07
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Geographer, Flora, Metaling
Use Fire Arrows, Geographers cannot hit you if you are more than 3 cells away. You can stay here until you get to job 40~50, you can even leech characters here.
Regular Hunter Buld (High DEX, Mid-High AGI, Mid INT)
People tend to underestimate how much a medium amount of INT can help as a Hunter, especially when one tends to spam Double Strafe a lot it, it will reduce the amount of SP items you need or the amount of trips back you have to take to the Inn greatly.
Level 60 ~ 80
- Map: Papuchicha Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Alligator
Use Wind Arrows against them. You can even get Alligator Card, which is part of the Archer Card Set.
Level 66 ~ 90
- Map: Kokomo Beach
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sea Otter
Great Zeny and EXP for new players. With ~90 base DEX, ~30 INT and Buffs, you can 2-shot Sea Otters with Blast Mine. Sea Otters only spawn on the beach which lets you kill them quickly just by walking back and forth. Butterfly Wing or walk to your Buffer when Blessing & Agility Up run out.
Sea Otters common drops Glass Bead, Clam Shell, Cyfar and Sea Otter Fur (can also be vended - headgear quest ingredient) overcharge for 1,112 zeny which is about 960 zeny per kill after accounting for Traps. Including the other loots (except the card), they're about 1,424 zeny per kill.
You also get the benefit of killing them at a very fast rate if you're ungeared. Sea Otters are better than Seals because of the smaller beach.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Glast Heim Culverts 3
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sting, Gargoyle
Fire Arrows for Stings recommended. Double Strafe Gargoyles and bring some consumables or a Priest for healing. The experience here is great and it's quite easy to kill Stings.
Try to aim to attack a Sting from a far, they die very easily to Fire Arrows but they hit hard and fast if they get near. One of the best place for late levels, and you can get Glove[1] from Stings.
- Map: Payon Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Nine Tail, Dragon Tail
Use Stone Arrows against Dragon Tail and Crystal Arrows against Nine Tail (Recommended to bring a slave Priest to give your stuffs to him/her if you solo). Great place to level to 99.
You can get Dragon Tail Card, which is part of the Archer Card Set.
Trap Build (High DEX and INT)
Level 60 ~ 80
- Map: Glast Heim Staircase
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wind Ghost
Land Mine is your main skill, bring a bunch of Fly Wings and Traps, this is a nice place to get those job levels up.
Level 66 ~ 90
- Map: Kokomo Beach
- Composition: Solo with Buffs
- Mobs to kill: Sea Otter
Great Zeny and EXP for new players. With ~90 base DEX, ~30 INT and Buffs, you can 2-shot Sea Otters with Blast Mine. Sea Otters only spawn on the beach which lets you kill them quickly just by walking back and forth. Butterfly Wing or walk to your Buffer when Blessing & Agility Up run out.
Sea Otters common drops Glass Bead, Clam Shell, Cyfar and Sea Otter Fur (can also be vended - headgear quest ingredient) overcharge for 1,112 zeny which is about 960 zeny per kill after accounting for Traps. Including the other loots (except the card), they're about 1,424 zeny per kill.
You also get the benefit of killing them at a very fast rate if you're ungeared. Sea Otters are better than Seals because of the smaller beach.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Payon Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Nine Tail, Dragon Tail
Use Land Mine against Dragon Tail and Blast Mine for Nine Tails, at this point you should be able to 1-shot Dragon Tails, if not keep investing in Int and Dex
You can get Dragon Tail Card, which is part of the Archer Card Set.
- Map: Glast Heim 2F
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wanderer
Again, Land Mine does the most damage to Wanderers, spam Fly Wing and set traps quickly, this map will train your reflexes and possibly get you some zeny if you land an Old Card Album, Raydrics are also a 3-trap objective. This is the best exp for a trapper.
- Map: El Mes Plateau
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sleeper
Trapper is an excellent class to 2-trap Sleepers with Claymore Trap, just beware of your low flee and hp. Easy to mob some sleepers but don't be greedy, there are more people on this map.
Any Demon Fungus in your mob will Stone Curse you!
Level 79 ~ 99
- Map: Zenhai Marsh
- Composition: Solo with Buffs
- Mobs to kill: Anolian
You need three Blast Mine to kill them until you reach level 96/97 with maxed out DEX and INT, and some additional stat equipment. Better EXP than Wanderers once you can 2-shot them and the map is much easier.
Level 90 ~ 99
- Map: Suei Long Gon
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Mao Guai, Chun Yi
Once more a Trapper with a Creamy carded accessory and Land Mine is a consistent Mao Guai killer, you need high stats to 2-trap on this map.
Not the best exp but excellent zeny if you happen to land a Mao Guai Card or a Chun Yi Card.
Regular Bard Build (High DEX, Mid-High INT)
Level 52 ~ 83
- Map: Inside Glast Heim
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Dark Frame, Rideword, Mimic, Marionette
Silver Arrows are mandatory. Get a bow with Santa Poring Cards in order to make your leveling easier/faster.
Watch out for Wanderer. If you see him, just move to one of the other four locations. All of them are linked.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Glast Heim Culverts 3
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sting, Gargoyle
Fire Arrows for Stings recommended. The experience here is great and it's quite easy to kill Stings. Your high SP pool allows you to use Double Strafe constantly.
Try to aim to attack a Sting from a far, they die very easily to Fire Arrows but they hit hard and fast if they get near. One of the best place for late levels, and you can get Glove[1] from Stings.
Avoid or Double Strafe spam Gargoyles.
Recommended to bring a slave Priest to give your stuffs to him/her if you solo.
STR Build
Level 20 ~ 45
- Map: Payon Forest
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Wolf
Wolves give very good experience and drop Meat and Monster's Feed as healing items, as well as Strawberry for SP or for selling to players for zeny. If you have access to gear like Pupa Card, you can come here as soon as you jobchange. If you're patient you could stay here until job 50.
Once you are Job Level 35 or above, you can do the Cart Revolution Quest, that way you can mob and kill with it.
Level 40 ~ 65
- Map: Prontera Culvert F3
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Male Thief Bug, Poison Spore
Great and relatively safe place to practice mobbing with Cart Revolution. If you have Myst Case Card, it's also a great place to farm Gift Boxes, thanks to the high density of weak monsters.
Tarous drop Monster's Feed, allowing you to sustain yourself. Most likely the least frustrating map for your final job levels.
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Porcellio
Porcellios give very good experience. They drop Main Gauche[4] and also the card is very useful for multiple classes, and thus sells well. You need high HT or DEX for them, and optionally you can get a support Acolyte/Priest to help you out.
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Metaling
If you don't have a fire weapon or access to a Fire Endow, Metalings are a lot easier than Porcellios but they don't drop anything valuable.
- Map: Geffen Field (Orc Village)
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Orc Lady, Orc Warrior
Good map for EXP. You can get to Job level 50 here. If you've managed to save enough zeny for a Guillotine from killing Wolves, you can spam Cart Revolution without having to worry too much about SP. Beware of Orc Lord.
STR Build
Level 70 ~ 90
- Map: Clock Tower B4
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Bathory
Good map for EXP and loot. You can mob them and kill with Cart Revolution, or spam Mammonite. It is recommended to have a Priest on the map for buffs and Aspersio. You can get money by selling Witch Starsand.
Beware of Mistilteinn, Tyrfin and Executioner, and have Fly Wings ready.
- Map: Nogg Road F1
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Kaho
Good map for EXP and loot. It is recommended to have Water Endow. You can get money by selling the loots to NPC or players.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Clock Tower B2, West Orc Village
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
Great map for EXP. All you need to do is use a 2x Orc Lady Card, 1x Hydra Card, 1x Vadon Card carded Orcish Axe[4], with a Water Endow. Teleport around and Mammonite the High Orcs. The exp gain on this map is amongst the highest you can achieve right now as a Blacksmith.
AGI Build
Level 70 ~ 90
You can mob them and kill with Cart Revolution, or spam Mammonite. A water elemental weapon or Water Endow would be good on this level. Beware of Anubis.
It is recommended to have a Priest on the map for buffs.
Level 70 ~ 90
- Map: Nogg Road F1
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: Kaho
Good map for EXP and loot. It is recommended to have Water Endow. You can get money by selling the loots to NPCs or players.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Clock Tower B2, West Orc Village
- Composition: Solo
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
Great map for EXP. All you need to do is use a 2x Orc Lady Card, 1x Hydra Card, 1x Vadon Card carded Orcish Axe[4], with a Water Endow. Teleport around and Mammonite the High Orcs. The exp gain on this map is amongst the highest you can achieve right now as a Alchemist.
Dagger Build
Level 10 ~ 30
- Map: Payon Cave F1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Familiar, Skeleton, Zombie, Poporing
Use the 7 Phracon from the Training Grounds to quickly refine a +7 Main Gauche while using Novice Potions to sustain yourself.
This location offers decent Zeny for newer players via Mace[4], Opals, and Skull Rings.
When you have 25 - 40k Zeny (depending on the market) you should buy the Pantie and Undershirt Combo.
Level 20 ~ 60
- Map: Morocc Field 18
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Muka, Dragon Fly (challenging)
Mukas have a fantastic EXP to HP ratio while providing decent Zeny by selling Cactus Needles and Empty Bottles to players. When both Improved Dodge and Double Attack are maxed Mukas become good Steal Targets. Ignore everything else on the map.
Beware of Hunter Fly and teleport away if you encounter it.
New players should consider investing in a forged Fire dagger if you plan to stay here a long time and funds allow it.
Level 25 ~ 60
- Map: Payon Field 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wolf, Boa, Spore
Wolves have a great Exp to HP ratio and drop Mantle[1]. Everything drops Strawberries which can be sold to players for decent Zeny.
At higher levels players should be able to self-sustain off Meat and Monster's Feed from Wolves.
New players should consider investing in a forged Fire dagger if you plan to stay here a long time and funds allow it.
This map is typically crowded.
Level 30 ~ 50
- Map: Undersea Tunnel 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Hydra, Kukre, Plankton, Vadon
If you decided to invest in a Wind Damascus, this is the place for you. Although Exp is lower and Mobs are tougher than Wolves, Byalan offers superior Zeny potential from the plethora of rare drops.
Consider avoiding Marinas and Cornutus as they have a low HP/EXP ratio, and the latter has high DEF.
All Cards dropped by these monsters are great and should be either kept or sold for a decent pice.
Hydra, Kukre and Vadon are excellent Steal targets, as they have good items listed first in their loot tables.
Level 30 ~ 70
- Map: Lighthalzen Field 1 - Einbroch Field 7
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Metaling
Metalings have one of the best HP/EXP ratios, but also an abnormally high ATK for it's level. Get your FLEE to 136 ASAP for 95% dodge. HP increasing cards like Thief Bug Egg Card and/or Pupa Card are recommended for earlier levels. Ignore the other monsters.
Beware of Divest Weapon and Mammonite Lv 5.
Having a Priest slave to cast Kyrie Eleison and Resurrection is recommended.
Level 40 ~ 60
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Porcellio
Porcellios give very good experience. They drop Main Gauche[4] and also the card is very useful for multiple classes, and thus sells well, it's also wise to keep it though.
Level 40 ~ 70
- Map: Toy Monitoring Room
- Composition: Thief - Acolyte Duo
- Mobs to kill: Myst Case, Cruiser, Cookie, Christmas Cookie
Toy Factory 2 is a great Zeny source for newer players, namely Piece of Cake, Well-baked Cookie and Pearl. Myst Case is the primary target here, since it has the most value, but it's also the hardest to kill. Everything has decent EXP and loot.
An Acolyte will provide much needed healing as well as Blessing and Increase Agility to help lower level Thieves round out the HIT and FLEE.
Avoid Baby Hati and Stormy Knight
Pneuma is necessary for engaging Cruisers at lower levels.
Myst Case Card is one of the best cards you can get when starting out.
Every player should keep at least one, especially for a farming character.
Level 50 ~ 70
- Map: Papuchicha Forest
- Composition: Thief - Acolyte Duo
- Mobs to kill: Alligator, Poison Spore
Those who have invested in a wind weapon and want a change of pace consider Alligators. EXP is mediocre, but decent Zeny can be acquired through Alligator Card, Karvodanilnirol, Poison Spore and Yggdrasil Seed (sell them all to players).
- Map: Ayothaya Field 2 - Ancient Shrine Maze
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Leaf Cat
Amazing Job EXP, but negligible Base EXP. Great for rushing to 2nd Job (esp. as High Thief), and quickly getting important skills such as Plagiarism. Loot is good, and it's possible to self sustain from HP drops with high enough FLEE.
Use Fire Endow or elemental dagger.
Avoid Wootan Fighter, as it has total fire resistance.
Bow Build
See the leveling Spots at the Regular Archer Build
Sonic Blow
Leveling with Sonic Blow typically involves buffing yourself with Blessing, Increase Agility, Kyrie Eleison/Assumptio, Soul-link and an Elemental Endow to one-shot your targets.
Use Fly Wings to find your target, and use a Butterfly Wing once you're out of SP to rebuff and replenish your SP using the Inn/Spouse/Scholar.
Using the Inn gives you a full HP/SP heal for 5,000 zeny. While it might not seem cost-effective, the speed of killing will usually make up for the zeny cost as you can kill more monsters in the same amount of time.
For leveling without Sonic Blow or without Katars, refer to the Rogue sections that do not involve mobbing.
Level 60 ~ 90
- Map: Clock Tower B3
- Composition: Recommended Priest
- Mobs to kill: Penomena, Cramp, Drainliar
Good map for EXP and loot. Pneuma is very useful on this map. Mob carefully and farm with Grimthooth. All the cards in this map are useful.
Level 65 ~ 90
- Map: Inside Glast Heim
- Composition: Solo with Priest and Soul Linker for buffs
- Mobs to kill: Dark Frame
Good EXP and zeny for cheap gear but requires multi-clienting. You can one-shot them with a level 4 Sonic Blow (22 SP), 100 STR, 50 DEX, Aspersio and a Jur with 3 Santa Poring Cards.
Each Dark Frame is worth about 1,400 zeny if you only count their Red Frame and Brigan. They hit hard and it might be difficult earlier on without enough flee.
You can adjust the Sonic Blow level accordingly to help you one-shot them.
- Map: West Orc Village
- Composition: Solo with Priest, Sage and Soul Linker for buffs
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
Good EXP but bad zeny, especially if you are using the Inn. You can one-shot them with a Soul-Linked, Water Endowed Sonic Blow using an uncarded Jamdhar (Bought from NPC) with 100 STR, 50 DEX.
- Map: Nogg Road F1
- Composition: Solo with Priest, Sage and Soul Linker for buffs
- Mobs to kill: Kaho
Kahos can be one-shot with Soul-linked, Water Endowed Sonic Blow using an uncarded Jamdhar (Bought from the NPC) with 90 STR and 50 DEX. They give decent EXP and zeny as they have a high Rough Elunium drop rate that can be converted into Elunium and sold to other players.
Level 75 ~ 99
- Map: Sphinx F5
- Composition: Solo with Priest, Sage and Soul Linker for buffs, or Party
- Mobs to kill: Pasana
Fantastic EXP and good loot. Use an Infiltrator. Keep your buff slaves behind the F5 warp portal. With these support characters, it'll be easy to kill Pasanas with one Sonic Blow. Alternate between mobbing groups with Grimtooth and using Sonic Blow on lone Pasanas.
- Map: Zenhai Marsh
- Composition: Solo with Priest, Sage and Soul Linker for buffs,
- Mobs to kill: Anolian
Use a Specialty Jur with 2 Flora and 2 Drainliar cards. You will need 120 STR, 60 DEX and a Blue Fish (Headgear Quest) to come here early.
Experiment with Morrigane's Pendents, a Cordial/Loyal Picky Pet, Angel / Evil Wing Ears (Expensive for newer players), Picky / Mantis cards
Ring[1] has a level 90 requirement, to reach the STR requirement:
At level 90, you can swap the Blue Fish for a Coif[1] or Incubus / Carat / Willow carded headgear for more SP by using a Mantis Ring. This also frees up an accessory slot for the Ninja Suit & Shinobi Sash Set and/or an Earth Deleter Armor.
Level 80 ~ 99
- Map: El Mes Plateau 6 - El Mes Plateau 11
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sleeper
Good EXP and great loot. To kill Sleepers with one Sonic Blow, you'll need at least 110 STR, a Jur [3] with 2/1 Kaho Card Pecopeco Egg Card, and Fire Endow.
Avoid Demon Pungus.
Don't sell Great Nature, break them using Ore Downgrading.
- Map: Somatology Laboratory F2/Bio2
- Composition: Solo with Priest, Sage and Soul Linker for buffs, or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wickebine Tres, Armeyer Dinze, Errende Ebecee, Kavach Icarus, Laurell Weinder
Fantastic EXP and rare drops. You will need an Infiltrator. Ideally with a Skeleton Worker Card, SP enhancing equipment (namely the Ninja Set), Cursed Water OR Fire Endow, and HP/SP consumables.
Cursed Water is used to get around both Laurell and Errende's resistances (notably Wickebine is immune to Shadow), but once you have higher HIT Fire Endow will let you kill all except Errende. Save at an Inn to quickly refresh SP, and keep your clients there to buff and warp you to the dungeon.
The basic plan is to kill monsters in one Sonic Blow. Use a calculator to plan your build and estimate what you'll be able to one shot.
You can use a Fly Wing as soon as the animation for Sonic Blow starts, or use Cloaking during the animation once your cast delay is up, to avoid getting hit. Once your necessary buffs end, return to the Inn for a reset.
At lower levels you'll only be able to kill Laurell and Errende, but they have the best EXP/HP ratios anyway. Wickebine and Kavach both have high FLEE, but you can easily get ~80% hit rate with ~30 DEX at level 90. Killing Wickebine consistently can be worth raising your DEX since her rare drops are fantastic for an Assassin. Eventually you'll have enough ATK to add Armeyer to your hit list. Avoid everything else on the map.
Technically you could mob here, but the Arcadia Online changes to mob grouping behavior nerfed Grimtooth, and with Hyper-Active monsters it's even harder to do.
But if you want to anyway, you should juggle two Fortune Swords and your katar for the Perfect Dodge bonus.
Level 84 ~ 99
- Map: Glast Heim Castle Floor 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wanderer
Wanderers can be one-shot with 110 STR & 90 DEX using a Jur [3] or Specialty Jur with Mummy cards.
Do not expect to be able to be able to dodge them or the other monsters on the map.
Rogue's Treasure may also be used to increase your HIT.
Level 90 ~ 99
- Map: Somatology Laboratory F3/Bio3
- Composition: Solo with Priest and Soul Linker for buffs,
- Mobs to kill: Margaretha Sorin, Kathryne Keyron
Maybe the best solo EXP rate in the game. The strategy is the same as Bio2 (above), but you will also need to keep Enchant Deadly Poison up at all times (EXPENSIVE), and Cursed Water is mandatory.
To get your min damage high enough, you will need 110/120/130 STR and one or more ATK increasing equipment:
Kind of only viable for Assassin Cross only.
Critical Build
Level 60 ~ 80
- Map: Geffen Dungeon F2 - Geffen Dungeon F3
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Nightmare, Deviruchi, Marionette
Good map for EXP and loot. Keep a Priest on the map for buffs and Aspersio.
Level 70 ~ 80
- Map: Amatsu Field
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Kappa
Mediocre EXP, and Kappas don't respawn instantly. Better to level elsewhere, unless you want the loot (mainly Ninja equipment). Use a Wind Endow, or elemental weapon.
Level 75 ~ 90
- Map: Valley of Gjoll
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Good map for EXP and loot. Avoid mobs. Keep a Priest near the warp or in Niff for buffs and Aspersio.
Level 80 ~ 99
- Map: El Mes Plateau 6 - El Mes Plateau 11
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sleeper
Good EXP and great loot. Utilize Fire Endow.
Don't sell Great Nature, break them using Ore Downgrading.
Raging Trifecta Blow is the best skill for auto-attacking (works with bow)
Bowling Bash is the best skill for mobbing and can be used with a bow, which is considered a melee attack, doesn't consume arrows, and doesn't apply arrow effects (so an Endow will be necessary for elemental damage). A Rogue can farm with BB most areas a Knight can.
For melee auto-attack builds, an Enchanted Peach Tree and Sky Deleter card can be bought for a reasonable price to allow you sustain without using recovery items.
The use of a Soul-linked Blacksmith for Advanced Adrenaline Rush also helps to speed up your leveling considerably.
The Rogue Leveling page has an incomplete list of areas safe(ish) for keeping copied skills.
The Stalker Leveling page is old but may also have useful information.
STR Build
Level 60 ~ 75
- Map: Toy Monitoring Room
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Myst Case, Cruiser, Cookie, Christmas Cookie
This map has 'ok' EXP and decent zeny with high value loot. Copy Raging Trifecta Blow with Plagiarism and use Snatch or Fly Wings to move around the map as there is poor mob density.
You can lose your Plagiarized skill to Myst Case's Spear Stab or Mammonite.
Avoid Baby Hati and Stormy Knight
Lutie can be accessed by talking to Santa at .
- Map: Payon Forest 10
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Dokebi, Greatest General
Worse zeny but better EXP than Toy Factory 2 since you can use a Santa Poring Card carded weapon (Gladius [3] preferably) which can be bought for a reasonable price, and exploit Greatest Generals' elemental weakness.
Bring Fly Wings to avoid the 4 Nine Tails in the map.
Use Endow Tsunami or an Ice Damascus to kill Greatest Generals quickly.
Level 60 ~ 90
- Map: Clock Tower B3
- Composition: Recommended Priest
- Mobs to kill: Penomena, Cramp, Drainliar
Good map for EXP and loot. Pneuma is very useful on this map. Kill one by one. All the cards in this map are useful.
Level 75 ~ 90
- Map: Inside Glast Heim
- Composition: Solo with Priest buffs
- Mobs to kill: Dark Frame, Marionette
Dark Frames have high value loot and decent EXP. Use a Santa Poring Card carded weapon (Gladius [3] preferably) with Aspersio which can be bought for a reasonable price.
Bring Fly Wings to avoid the Wanderer and Ridewords.
You can lose your Plagiarized skill to Marionette's Fire Wall, Freezing Trap or a Wanderer's Snatch.
Marionettes drop Marionette Doll [1] and Chain [3] which can be vended for a decent amount of zeny.
- Map: Clock Tower B4
- Composition: Solo with Priest buffs
- Mobs to kill: Bathory
You will need a Key of Clock Tower to access this map (Dropped or bought from other players). Bathories drop Witch Starsand which can be sold to other players.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Karu, the West Cave
- Composition: Recommended Priest
- Mobs to kill: Medusa
Good map for EXP. Try to not get mobbed. Copy Raging Trifecta Blow with Plagiarism.
Beware of Tao Gunka.
It would be good to wear a Medusa Card to avoid Stone Curse if you don't have a Priest with you.
- Map: Clock Tower B2 or West Orc Village
- Composition: Solo w/ Priest and Sage slave, or Party
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
High Orcs are great EXP, and they drop both Orc Voucher and Orcish Axe[0]. Mob with copied Bowling Bash. High Orcs are fast, so you may want a Aco/Priest slave to keep Increase Agility up, and remember to use Back Sliding.
You can lose your Plagiarized skill to High Orc's Shield Charge.
Recommended weapon is a Blade [4] with 2 Orc Lady Cards, 1 Vadon Card, and 1 Hydra Card with Water Endow for best min damage.
Shield with Thara Frog Card is also recommended. Earth Deleter Card will keep your SP full if you're one-shotting mobs.
Level 75 ~ 99
- Map: Einbroch Field
- Composition: Solo with Priest buffs
- Mobs to kill: Demon Fungus, Punk
Very good zeny and decent EXP but requires an Exorciser. You will need a Medusa or Evil Druid card if you are mobbing them to avoid the Stone Curse. Use Aspersio or Endow Quake if you are auto-attacking or lazy.
Both Punk and Demon Fungus drop Witch Starsand and Yellow Gemstones which can be sold to players for a decent sum.
- Map: Valley of Gjoll
- Composition: Recommended Priest
- Mobs to kill: Everything
Good map for EXP and loot. Try to not get mobbed. Copy Raging Trifecta Blow with Plagiarism.
Level 80 ~ 99
- Map: Inside Ancient Shrine
- Composition: Solo with Priest slave, or Party
- Mobs to kill: Tamruan
Amazing mob density, good EXP, and great loot. Keep a Priest near entrance to give buffs and Aspersio. A Main Gauche [4] with 4 Santa Poring Cards is incredibly cheap and effective.
You can mob with Bowling Bash, but if you want to get one-hit kills you'll need a +9 Blade [4] with 2/2 Santa Poring Cards Strouf Cards, Sword Mastery 9, Porcellio Card, and either 120 STR + The Sign / Giant Whisper Card or 130 STR.
Recommended to use Khalitzburg Carded shield.
DEX Build (Bow)
Level 60 ~ 80
- Map: Papuchicha Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Alligator
Use Wind Arrows against them. You can even get Alligator Card, which is part of the Archer Card Set.
Level 66 ~ 90
- Map: Kokomo Beach
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sea Otter
Great Zeny and EXP for new players. With ~90 base DEX, ~30 INT and Buffs, you can 2-shot Sea Otters with Blast Mine. (Which you can plagiarize) Sea Otters only spawn on the beach which lets you kill them quickly just by walking back and forth. Butterfly Wing or walk to your Buffer when Blessing & Agility Up run out.
Sea Otters common drops Glass Bead, Clam Shell, Cyfar and Sea Otter Fur (can also be vended - headgear quest ingredient) overcharge for 1,112 zeny which is about 960 zeny per kill after accounting for Traps. Including the other loots (except the card), they're about 1,424 zeny per kill.
You also get the benefit of killing them at a very fast rate if you're ungeared. Sea Otters are better than Seals because of the smaller beach.
Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Glast Heim Culverts 3
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sting, Gargoyle
Fire Arrows for Stings recommended. Double Strafe Gargoyles and bring some consumables or a Priest for healing. The experience here is great and it's quite easy to kill Stings.
Try to aim to attack a Sting from a far, they die very easily to Fire Arrows but they hit hard and fast if they get near. One of the best place for late levels, and you can get Glove[1] from Stings.
- Map: Payon Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Nine Tail, Dragon Tail
Use Stone Arrows against Dragon Tail and Crystal Arrows against Nine Tail (Recommended to bring a slave Priest to give your stuffs to him/her if you solo). Great place to level to 99.
You can get Dragon Tail Card, which is part of the Archer Card Set.
- Map: Clock Tower B2 or West Orc Village
- Composition: Solo w/ Sage slave or Party
- Mobs to kill: High Orc
Same as above, but use Composite Bow [4] instead of a sword.
You can lose your Plagiarized skill to High Orc's Shield Charge.
Level 80 ~ 99
- Map: Inside Ancient Shrine
- Composition: Solo w/ Priest slave, or Party
- Mobs to kill: Tamruan
Same as above, but use a Composite Bow [4] instead of a dagger/sword, and consider 130/140 DEX instead of STR for one-hit Bowling Bash
Level 12 ~ 35
- Map: Payon Cave F1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Zombie, Skeleton, Familiar (out of necessity)
Having at least Heal lv 1 after whacking some Porings, Fabres, or Pupas outside of Payon,
you can go healbomb Skeletons and Zombies (you can use Heal on enemies by either keeping Shift pressed, or typing /ns
on chat).
First levels are going to be tough due to your low level Heal as well as your low INT and SP, but at least the level ups are fast.
Familiars are an annoyance, or even a big problem if you get mobbed, so it's always smart to keep Fly Wings on you until you've learnt Teleport, or keep a decent mace to deal with them.
Skeletons drop Skull Rings and Mace[4] and Zombies drop Opals, which can help a lot with your early economy.
Level 30 ~ 50
- Map: Orc Dungeon F1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Orc Zombie, Orc Skeleton, Familiar (out of necessity)
Orc Zombies and Orc Skeletons are a nice upgrade, and they are very abundant. Familiars are still present here, and Drainliars join in to annoy you, but these ones have too much HP for you to kill, so it's better to just run away from them.
Level 35 ~ 66
- Map: Tatami Maze
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Firelock Soldier
Use Pneuma constantly to avoid damage. Keep in mind that Firelocks can use a skill that will bypass Pneuma and if your HP isn't high enough, it can kill you.
Keep away from Shinobi at all costs; a Hiding Clip (Smokie Card) is very helpful against them.
Level 64 ~ 70
- Map: Tatami Maze
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Firelock Soldier
Get your first job levels here. Keep using Pneuma.
Keep away from Shinobi at all costs; a Hiding Clip (Smokie Card) is very helpful against them.
Level 50 ~ 70
- Map: Glast Heim Churchyard
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Evil Druid, Wraith, Skeleton Prisoner, Zombie Prisoner
Healbomb the monsters. If you feel like throwing some money, you can cast Resurrection onto Undead monsters simulating Turn Undead style.
Avoid Hunter Fly and Dark Lord.
Level 70 ~ 90
- Map: Inside Sphinx Dungeon
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Anubis
Your only target on this map are the Anubis.
Make sure you equip a Bathory-carded armor and to keep Kyrie Eleison on you at all times.
Also make sure to enable noshift, you can do so by using the /ns
When you see an Anubis on screen, the first thing you do is cast Blessing on the Anubis followed by Lex Divina. This should drastically reduce incoming damage from the Anubis and prevent them from using Critical Wounds on you.
While Blessing doesn't have a cool down period, Lex Divina does. Cast Turn Undead on the Anubis or use Resurrection to gain some sweet EXP.
You can use a Grand Cross to teach yourself Level 3 Turn Undead if you don't have the skill.
Occult Impaction
Level 67 ~ 99
- Map: Juno Field 11
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Sleeper, Demon Pungus
Use Occult Impaction to kill Sleepers. At your first levels as monk you will only need a Stunner +5 to 2-shoot them if you have enough STR. Once you get the proper cards for a Chain +10 (like Pecopeco Egg Card) or a Priest to Lex Aeterna Sleepers, you will be 1-shooting them.
Don't sell Great Nature, break them using Ore Downgrading.
Beware of killing Sleepers near Geographers because they will use Heal to help Sleepers.
If you ever run out of SP, you can either /memo
the map and go to an Inn, or use Spiritual Sphere Absorption on Geographers.
Demon Pungus will be a problem, and you can either avoid them or kill them using Occult Impaction as well.
Level 80 ~ 99
- Map: Turtle Dungeon 3
- Composition: Recommended with a Priest
- Mobs to kill: Freezer, Permeter, Solider
This is a perfect area for Occult Impaction monks. With a weapon like Triple Clamorous Chain and a Priest with Lex Aeterna and you can one-hit the turtles. Great exp also for the higher level monks.
If you happen to also level at the lower levels: Pests are easily killed with Throw Spirit Sphere.
Taekwon Kid
Keep in mind that Taekwon Boys/Girls do not use weapons, so it's a cheaper class option in the beginning.
If you are aiming for a TK Ranker you can level at the same time you do your TK Missions. And you can level Mild Wind up to level 7 to get elemental attacks against the monsters you choose to fight!
DPS Build / TK Ranker Build
Level 10 ~ 30
- Map: Payon Cave 1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Familiar, Skeleton, Spore, Zombie
This location offers decent Zeny for newer players via Mace[4], Opals, and Skull Rings.
When you have 25 - 40k Zeny (depending on the market) you should buy the Pantie and Undershirt Combo.
Level 20 ~ 40
- Map: Morocc Field 18
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Muka
Mukas have a fantastic EXP to HP ratio while providing decent Zeny by selling Cactus Needles and Empty Bottles to players.
Beware of Hunter Fly and Dragon Fly. Teleport away if you encounter them.
Level 25 ~ 50
Wolves have a great Exp to HP ratio. Snakes will serve as supplementary exp while both Mobs will drop Strawberry which can be sold to players.
You can continue killing Fabres and Pupas for a chance at their rares. Although Wolves will still provide Mantle[1] that may be sold to others or kept for later.
Not great EXP but Creamies drop Creamy Card, Honey and Silk Robe[1] can all be sold or kept for later.
Level 30 ~ 55
- Map: Undersea Tunnel 2
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Hydra, Kukre, Plankton, Vadon
Although Exp is lower and Mobs are tougher than Wolves, Byalan offers superior Zeny potential from the plethora of rare drops.
Consider avoiding Marina and Cornutus as they have a low HP/EXP ratio, and the latter has high DEF.
All Cards dropped by these monsters are great and should be either kept or sold for a decent pice.
Level 40 ~ 60
- Map: Einbroch Field 9
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Porcellio
Porcellios give very good experience. They drop Main Gauche[4] and also the card is very useful for multiple classes, and thus sells well.
Level 40 ~ 70
- Map: Toy Monitoring Room
- Composition: Taekwon - Acolyte Duo
- Mobs to kill: Myst Case, Cruiser, Cookie, Christmas Cookie
Toy Factory 2 is a great Zeny source for newer players, namely Piece of Cake, Well-baked Cookie and Pearl. Myst Case is the primary target here, since it has the most value, but it's also the hardest to kill. Everything has decent EXP and loot.
An Acolyte will provide much needed healing as well as Blessing and Increase Agility to help lower level Taekwons with ASPD, FLEE and ATK.
Avoid Baby Hati and Stormy Knight
Pneuma is necessary for engaging Cruisers at lower levels.
Myst Case Card is one of the best cards you can get when starting out.
Every player should keep at least one, especially for a farming character.
Level 50 ~ 70
- Map: Papuchicha Forest
- Composition: Taekwon-Acolyte Duo
- Mobs to kill: Alligator, Poison Spore
This is a more interesting map for Taekwon. Decent Zeny can be acquired through Alligator Card, Karvodanilnirol, Poison Spore, and Yggdrasil Seed (sell them all to players).
Soul Linker
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Star Gladiator
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Expanded Classes
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Level 70 ~ 99
- Map: Morocc Pyramids B4
- Composition: With a Priest or High Priest
- Mobs to kill: Isis, Mummy, Matyr, Mimic, Ancient Mummy
A very, very good map for EXP. As a Gunslinger, it is advised to go with a Priest or High Priest and with an Earth Deleter-carded Armor.
While Isis and Ancient Mummy are your main EXP contributors, the Mummy, Mimics and Matyrs help in topping up your SP every single time. The cards that drop here are also valuable.
Desperado is considered a melee attack and mobbing a handful of mobs and using the skill will quickly replenish your SP, implying you have an Earth Deleter-carded Armor.
Super Novice
INT / Caster Build
Level 45 ~ 50
- Map: Payon Forest
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Wolf
Get your first job levels here, killing Wolves in melee at first, and then using Fire Bolt against them. Once you have Fire Bolt maxed and whatever other skills you deem necessary, you can move elsewhere.
Level 30 ~ 70
- Map: Einbroch Field 03, Einbroch Field 04, Einbroch Field 07
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Flora, Geographer, Metaling
Just like Magicians, you have three maps to choose from to kill Geographers. You may find it a bit hard to kill them consistently if you didn't pump enough points on INT while leveling as a Novice.
Floras will only be found on Einbroch Field 7 and will provide supplementary Exp while dropping Stem and a chance of their card. Einbroch Field 7 has the lowest Geographer density of the 3 maps and thus is less suitable for higher level Magicians. Einbroch Field 3 and 4 both have good Geographer density but in different ways. Einbroch Field 3 has 5 instant spawn Geographers on a small island but may be harder when all the spawns are clumped or there is competition. While Einbroch Field 4 has the highest spawn but may require more walking.
Avoid Ungoliant. Always be careful of Geographers hidden under bushes or trees.
How to fight Geographers
Fire Bolt will be your bread and butter but you may only want to engage Geographers if you have at least 56 Intelligence to make it worthwhile. Geographers sometimes may prove to be problematic as they can Heal each other.
You should find isolated targets at earlier levels, even a pair of Geographers will out sustain you. If you have Fire Wall you may opt to knock away nearby Geographers out of Healing range or if you have level 10 Frost Diver you can freeze them instead.
- Map: Luoyang Field 1
- Composition: Solo or Party
- Mobs to kill: Anaconda, Bigfoot, Caramel, Mantis, Mi Gao
Mi Gaos offer good Exp and are easy to kill with a combination of Fire Wall and Fire Bolt but, their drops have little to be desired. Due to their slow speed they are a great way to practice Vertical Fire Wall. If you find a mob first round them up with level 1 Fire Bolt, lead them into a Vertical Fire Wall and use Fireball to clear up.
Mantis at earlier levels will require both Fire Wall and a low level Fire Bolt to kill. However, at 75 Intelligence a Vertical Fire Wall will be enough to kill a Mantis while at 80 - 85 Intelligence a normal Fire Wall will usually work. A mob of Mantis should be dispersed with Vertical Fire Wall. Despite being more of a nuisance Mantis Cards have decent value.
In the case of a party you may want to start targeting other Mobs to supplement Exp and a chance for their cards, Pike[4], Coat[1] and Poo Poo Hat.
At 119 INT and using a Hypnotist's Staff you can oneshot Mi Gao 100% of the time with lv 10 Fire Bolt. With the no-death bonus for instacast and higher INT, you can realistically solo here to 99.